Remembering the Camping trips
When the the four of us older boys (Jack, Dick, Bob, Jim) were able to navigate the mountain trails
we did a lot of camping . Most of our trips were to the good fishing lakes. The first big trek was with our Dad. we carried every thing on our backs and the loads were not light. It was up along the Canadian border and ended way down in a ravine to a lake that had "land locked" salmon. We feasted on fish like never again. It was a paradise camp. The trail was miles long and I still today think we were lucky to have not encountered "Big Bears".I will now skip to the Trip that my Dad took us four older boys on in 1947 . We were all back from our WW11 service and discharged from the Navy (except Jim) he hadn't joined the marines as yet.
We were packed in by a local man with several horses. Again we walked (hiked) all the way to a lake in Canada called "Mirror Lake". what a wonderful time we all had celebrating our being home from the service and all being in one piece.
one of the faded pics show Dad,on the right next Bob. next, Dick and Jim on the left.