How singing extended my lifespan.
I was 16 years old when I signed a contract with the Glacier Ranger station for the position of observer
(smoke) at the Copper Mountain Lookout located on the U.S. Canadian border.This duty was shared by another young man so as to give 24 hr "lookout"for fire danger (Another Story)
Below our lookout, guessing about a half mile, Was a small lake from where we got our water. the terrain was steep so a zig zag trail was used.
One day on my turn to get water I reached the edge of the small pond, unscrewed the big cap on the water can when I heard a sound. Turning I saw the head of a Grizzly (or brown) I didn't ask. This bears head was
as large as a washtub.He evidently hadn't detected me yet.I turned and remember screwing the lid back on the can (survival instinct) intending to use it as a float if I needed to jump in the water.
To make sure he knew of my presence I started singing, this made him aware of me being there because when I turned to check. He was gone. I filled some water in the can ,strapped it on my back and even today I still cant remember taking the zigzag route back up the hill. Glad he heard my Singing, Kinda hope it wasn't the reason he left.(just kidding).
At least the bear left, I'd still be cleaning my shorts.