Wednesday, February 24, 2016

No Pig, No pork.
I will now explain the above 'caption" with the following narrative.In the early thirties at our log home my oldest brother "Jack" was given a little piglet to raise.Of course that meant future chops, bacon etc. which meant a lot to our big family during this depression era. Jack named the little fellow "rosie". He (jack) took the job of making a pen, and caring for it with feeding and water and a makeshift shelter. over the next few months "rosie" grew to a pretty good size and my Dad made plans to stop feeding the big "porker" and let it feed us .
In the process of carrying out this chore the pig darted out of the open gate of the pen and took off running.My Dad was quite fleet of foot also and nearly caught "rosie" more than once but the pig (they are not a dumb animal),perhaps knowing its fate raced towards the nearby river. It jumped in the river and that was the last we saw of "pork chops".

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