Friday, February 12, 2016

Why wood my sister empty a drawer of her dresser ?
 The answer is hinted in the title of this blog. While my two older brothers and I were off to serve our Country during WWII our oldest sister (but still young) was more or less left in charge of things at our rural
home.Keeping enough wood on the porch for the cooking stove and the heating stove kept her younger siblings busy.and sometimes not enough wood was stacked on the porch. So at times she would transfer wood from the porch to her dresser drawer so that the required amount would be brought by the young ones leaving a little "cushion" for the wood supply. This happened probably once or twice but it remained one of the laughable things remembered by the family. 

1 comment:

  1. Not only great family history, but an honest look at life back when. Keep them coming. I for one am a loyal reader and fan.
