Monday, March 7, 2016

A door was opened, and an invitation came forth.
In 1930 the "Great depression" was one year old, and I was five years old. It would be another year until I could start first grade, but on this day I was a "visitor"at the Bell Creek school house. The School had eight grades in the one large room The rows of desks separated the different grades.It was a custom to invite the ones that would be starting the next term to spend a day with the current class.This day I would guess that there was at most twelve students representing all eight grades. Yes! a very small School..
In the front of the room was a large wood burning stove. The top was flat and a large pan of water was heated for all of the small jars of cocoa each one brought from home. Beyond the stove and the teachers desk was a back door that was used for anyone needing to go to the outhouse. The outhouse had two separate doors one for the boys section and one for the girls.
The morning session had started when the teacher went to the door to let some fresh air in or for some other reason, and as the door was cracked open the Sun flashed in on the wall and on the floor. 
I was sitting up front facing all of this and without hesitation I shouted out "Come on in, Mr. Sun"
Laughter, and Giggles followed my outburst (And a reminder of it followed me for sometime) from my brothers and some of the school friends.

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