Friday, March 25, 2016

Hawaiian-fish and song story
Our family lived in the town of Bellingham for a few months between the move from Bell Creek to our Country (five acre "shangri-la") ranch in the Samish Valley. 
During the time we lived in Bellingham I was in the 6th grade class at Roeder School. My teacher was a ms. Hoag. Ms. Hoag spent her summer vacations in Hawaii. All of us (her class) were treated to bits of Hawaiian lore and a few songs that she taught us and sang as she played a Ukelele. I still remember parts of the songs. one was: 
(I wanna go back, to my little grass shack
In Kealakekua Hawaii 
Where the Humuhumhnukunukuapua'a
go swimming by.)
In the fall (1936) Ms. Hoag was back and most of her same class (me included) and we were treated to her summer vacation stories. She brought back some "Poi," a staple food in hawaii she told us, we all got to taste it and all I remember i it tasted like "mud". Another rememberance of that great time was Ms. Hoags' Favorite candy bar ( she would get one of us to go across the street to buy one) was a U-no bar.

Now allow me to say "ALOHA"  Thanks for your reading this Blog...Love you

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